Friends of Heroes - Cancer Support Directory

After a successful workshop with Kristie Scott, who is a former funeral director and now owner of The Death Planner. Below is some helpful information for anyone in the process of estate planning and final wishes.

For cancer patients, who are already facing the reality of their mortality, actively addressing the topic of death can have a profound impact on their lives. Many people have experienced grief or know someone who has, making them more aware of the importance of accepting their own mortality. In the context of cancer, accepting the finite nature of life can be seen as a positive step towards finding peace and making the most of the time they have. By breaking the taboo surrounding discussions about mortality, cancer patients can take control of their own lives and develop a healthier relationship with their own end. Ultimately, this can lead to a better understanding of oneself and a more meaningful journey through the challenges of cancer.

Endings matter, so when it comes to death planning, we are here to help and would love to hear from you!

A charity website for people with cancer and their families to access a variety of gifts generously donated by people and companies. Find anything from restaurant meals, hotel stays, beauty treatments, tickets for events and attractions

There’s never a good time for a cancer diagnosis but in your 20s, 30s or 40s, there are particular challenges to navigate, like work, dating, finances and more. At Shine, we’ve been there and we get it. We’re here to help you deal with everything that your diagnosis brings – before, during and after treatment – and to welcome you into our community.

Life after Cancer brings people together who have finished cancer treatment to form support groups, with an aim to increase their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing. The support they receive reduces the risk of serious mental distress and helps them to build a positive life after their cancer experience. We offer individual support through

Treatment Bags have been specifically put together for cancer patients going through chemotherapy and other treatments. They contain a selection of luxurious, relevant products, to help brighten the darkest of days.